🔓 New "Features" Aggregations Added for "Second-time Purchased Products" and "Products Purchased More Than Twice"

Feb 20, 2024


We have added some aggregation to "Features" inspired by feedbacks from users! We're still planning further updates - stay tuned!

Second-time Purchased Products

Now, it's easier to identify which products customers are most likely to purchase a second time within your customer segments.

Usage Example: Create segments based on initial purchase products to analyze trends in second-time purchases.

Products Purchased More Than Twice

This addition allows you to pinpoint products that have been purchased more than twice by customers within specific segments.

Usage Example: For segments with customers who have made five or more purchases, identify which products have the highest repeat purchase rates.

Immediate Access to the "Features" Tab from Customer Segment Details

We've introduced a new "Features" tab, enhancing the immediacy with which you can access detailed segment information.

Looking Ahead: Future Updates

The features functionality was initially released as an experimental tool to aggregate data on the composition of customer segments. We've been thrilled with its reception and the insightful feedback from our users. Many have expressed interest in broader aggregation capabilities and customization options.

In response, we're committed to expanding our aggregation presets and making it easier for users to highlight desired features within customer segments. Additionally, we aim to empower users to define their own key metrics.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!